Black Sabbath Live

Concerts, Abu Dhabi

Du Arena Abu Dhabi hosted the debut appearance of the heavy metal icons Black Sabbath. Once again Flash Entertainment ran the production. Delta Sound was the chosen Audio supplier.

Delta used the same system as on the previous show (Justin Timberlake), which comprised of L`Acoustics K1 cabinets, K1 sub speakers and SB28s. L`Acoustics Kudo were used for out fills. “We changed the design this week, and used Kudo for outfills. The site is pretty narrow and we try not to angle the outfills too far offstage as they reflect of the metal side structure. We narrowed the onstage dispersion to try and cut down the interference at FOH and it worked really well.” Explains Al Woods.

The system was run on a combination of LA8 and LA48 amplifiers driven by two Galileo 616 controllers.

The touring company brought their own Control package, but Delta supplied a couple of consoles for the opening act, which were a DiGiCo SD8 at FOH and SD9 on stage. Also a selection of Sennheiser 2050 IEM and 5000 series radio microphones were used for the opener.
“Black Sabbath’s engineer was extremely happy with how the system performed, I personally think the engineer was very good. The show sounded great.” Closes Al.

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